Rapé Katukina Cactus
We provide the freshest incense straight from the rainforest.
A majestic product from the heart of nature - Rapé Cactus, is a composition of ashes from the Murici plant and an unusual variety of cactus known as the Queen of One Night.
Rapé Cactus is not only a potentate in the field of healing the body, soul and our life energy, but also an effective support on the path to spiritual awakening.
The power of the unique Rapé blend reveals a combination of strong female energy with masculine stability. It will help you combine the spiritual with the material - in yourself. At the same time, Rapé Cactus is a great support when we want to throw away the obsolete, purifying our energy on the way to something new.
Selenicereus grandiflorus - Queen of One Night
This fascinating cactus, the Queen of One Nights (Selenicereus grandiflorus), is so called because of its unusual, delightful flowers and its one-night life. These unique flowers, which develop only for one night, carry with them the magical energy of passing, the power of which is transferred to Rapé Cactus. But not only with its beauty, it captivates - the health properties of the Queen of One Night are invaluable, improving blood circulation in the brain, stabilizing cholesterol, or alleviating heart ailments.
It has been indicated in heart diseases caused by the abuse of coffee, tobacco, tea and alcoholic beverages, as well as in headaches.
Byrsonima crassifolia (Murici)
Murici (Byrsonima crassifolia), a plant full of healing secrets. Its fruits can delight the palate, and the bark soothes inflammation, lowers fever and has a laxative effect. Its multitasking also includes external applications, such as wound compresses, skin infections, ulcers. But Murici's greatest secret lies in her extraordinary ability to restore life where there was none before, which translates into her work in Rapé Murici - she brings "life" to stagnant, restless, forgotten places, introducing a healing current of warmth there.
The richness of Rapé Cactus properties allows you to work on many levels. Thanks to the Murici, it is effectively grounding, bringing warmth and relaxation to the lower abdomen. Queen of One Night, helps us "bloom", supporting the development of the spiritual sphere and intuition. Rapé Cactus helps us find our inner unity, purifying and strengthening the energy connection of the whole body.
Rapé Cactus teaches us to find peace in the face of fleeting things, helps in the process of saying goodbye to what we have to leave behind. If you need help with healing, whether in the physical, mental or spiritual realms, you can turn to Rapé Cactus.
We recommend Rapé Cactus for meditation, but also in moments of internal chaos, when it is difficult to make an important decision.
The Katukina tribe
Katukina or Catuquina, Katokina, Katukena, Katukino are generic terms that are attributed to five different linguistic geographically diverse indigenous groups living in south-western Brazil on the Amazonas and Acre borders. Katukin is a tribe that is very much associated with the use of sacred plants. They consider themselves the first tribe to receive the drug Kambo from the frog. They still have a broad knowledge of plants and the spirit of the world. Their rapé is strong and deep, and carries a wild and powerful jungle spirit.